Academia in defense of peace and freedom • Helsinki

Academia in defense of peace and freedom • Helsinki

Päiväys ja aika
16:00 - 18:00

Unioninkatu 40 (Helsingin yliopisto)

This roundtable serves as a platform for dialogue between students and educators from Rojava and Helsinki universities, focusing on the pivotal role academics and intellectuals can play in safeguarding and advancing peace and freedom. Emphasizing the crucial responsibility of universities in mobilizing public support and raising awareness for peace with justice, the discussion underscores the global context where numerous communities face violent suppression, particularly in the Middle East.

The people of Rojava and the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria are under continuing attacks by the Turkish state. The resulting disruption has led to the temporary closure of universities in the affected areas, impacting millions of people.

Amidst the ongoing violence in Rojava, and in too many countries and locations elsewhere, solidarity within academia can play a constructive role. This roundtable aims to create a space for exploring the potential of universities to foster solidarity against war and occupation, acknowledging the pressing need for collaborative efforts in these challenging times.

Speakers from the University of Rojava:
Zeina Ali, Co-president
Mostafa Alamholo, Director of the International Relations Office
Xelil Hossein, Co-chair of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Nujin Hasan, Instructor at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Zozan Mohammad, Instructor at the Department of Jineolojî

Speakers from the University of Helsinki:
Thomas Wallgren, Philosophy
Barry Gills, Global Development Studies

The roundtable is followed by a Q&A and discussion.

Meeting ID: 632 7091 9843
Passcode: 966963

Kurdistan-solidaarisuusverkosto Helsinki