Päiväys ja aika
15:00 - 16:30
Dagmarinkatu 3
What are the obstacles for settling the war and how to approach the humanitarian crisis civilians caught by the war are facing in their daily life. We have two guests from the Ukrainian ngo Peace Institute (http://peace.org.ua/) discussing the theme with us.
Leonid Kozhara: Main obstacles for settling the war in Donbass.
Ilya Bogomolov: Humanitarian Crisis and main ways to resolving it
The discussion will star by watching a short 35 min documentary Checkpoint.
The film will take us for one August day in Stanitsa Luhanskaya – one of the crossing points between government controlled and self declared republics. Directed by Moiseenko Nikolai, ТV 1 Kazatskoye, Ukraine 2018. 35 min.
Järj. Rauhanpuolustajat
Tapahtuma on osa Suomen sosiaalifoorumia 4.–5.5.2019.
Luokka 31, 3. kerros.