ICAHD Finland 15 years: celebrating the joint struggle for decolonisation • Helsinki

ICAHD Finland 15 years: celebrating the joint struggle for decolonisation • Helsinki

Päiväys ja aika
17:00 - 20:00

ICAHD Finland was established in 2009, and we will close it down by the end of 2024, as Palestine solidarity work has been taken up by Sumud – The Finnish Palestine Network.
So come and hear what we have done and what the future looks like, as we ceelbrate 15 years of joint struggle for decolonisation!

• MP Veronika Honkasalo, who chairs the Palestine group in the parliament.
• Nadia Naser-Najjab, Senior Lecturer in Palestine studies at the University of Exeter, who will speak about “The Mirage of the Two-state Solution: Future Prospects”,
• Jeff Halper, Founding member and head of ICAHD, who will speak about “From Genocide in Gaza to One Democratic State”.

Both Naser-Najjab and Halper are also members of the One Democratic State Campaign, which seeks to transform the current apartheid state into a democracy in all of Palestine: https://onestatecampaign.org/all/en-manifesto/

The founder and old chair of ICAHD Finland Bruno Jäntti and the current chair Syksy Räsänen (also a vice-chair of Sumud) will speak about the work of ICAHD Finland and the evolution of Palestine solidarity in Finland over the past 15 years.

The event is in Parvisali at Tekstin talo (Lintulahdenkatu 3). Jointly organised with Sumud. Free entry.