Avainsana: Ukraine Alert

Local elections and far-right attacks
The situation at the contact line in Donbass has been relatively calm since the ceasefire was agreed on July 22,

Arsen Avakov and the usage of uncontrolled arms
The demand that the Interior Minister of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, has to go, is becoming louder. Kyiv Post in their

Rainer Höss: Statues for victims, not murderers
In the spring of 1947, the Warsaw Military Court sentenced Rudolf Höss to be executed. Höss got hanged in the

The OSCE on September casualties in Donetsk
In the situation when the sides of the conflict in Donbass confirmed their commitment to indefinite ceasefire starting from July

Niinistö’s visit to Ukraine
President Sauli Niinistö’s official 2-day visit to Ukraine has been broadly covered by both Ukrainian and Russian media. The vocabulary

Case of Jarrett William Smith
On September 23 the American media went viral publishing articles and comments on the arrest by the FBI of Jarrett

Ukrainasta tietoa englanniksi
Ukraine Alert -sivulta löytyy Ukrainaa ja sen konfliktia käsitteleviä artikkeleita englanniksi. Artikkelien aihepiirit vaihtelevat ihmisoikeuksista, sodasta ja rauhasta politiikkaan ja